Directed by Jorūnė Greičiūtė.
2022 / 20' / Digital / 2.39:1
Empty deserted places in a foreign land. A couple travels south to find their lost connection with the help of a guru at a mysterious relationship resort. While on the trip there, they stop for camping and their car disappears. Looking for help, they struggle to find common ground.

Cast: Milda Noreikaitė, Valentin Novopolskij, Inge Ladd, Saturnino García.
Directed by: Jorūnė Greičiūtė.
Production design by: Justė Vazgytė.
Produced by: Rūta Jekentaitė ("Baltic Productions").
Co-produced by: Jorūnė Greičiūtė, Zbigniev Bartoševič.
Production company: .